Our focus is advocacy and support for caregivers.
We assist in negotiating benefits and guidelines. If you are a caregiver who needs support negotiating the revised PCAFC benefits, click below to apply. We do not offer financial assistance.
We've narrowed our focus.
A journey is the act of travelling from one place to another. For the Quality of Life Foundation (QoLF), the journey began in September 2008 when the foundation conducted research and outreach that culminated in a report that defined the caregiver population and developed a comprehensive “Model of Support for the Severely Wounded Warrior Family”.
The result of this effort was the establishment of the Wounded Veteran Family Care Program (WVFCP) which addressed the biggest gap in support at that time - the transition from a VA Medical Center to home - with all of the new physical, psychological, familial, and social challenges that accompanied the transition. The WVFCP used a Family Support Coordinator to build a trusting relationship with caregivers in order to identify and address the unmet needs that contributed to their quality of life.
One of the most positive developments over the last 11 years was the establishment of the VA’s Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers (PCAFC) which provides caregiver stipends. These stipends have had a positive impact in the lives of post-9/11 caregivers. The VA is currently in the process of implementing the Mission Act which expands benefits and eligibility for caregivers across the spectrum to include pre-9/11 caregivers. Over the past year, the WVFCP worked with families who were in the appeals process for benefits for various reasons. This engagement allowed us to see the potential impacts and challenges that caregivers may experience as the PCAFC program transitions to the Mission Act directive. Based on this experience, QoLF decided to shift the focus of the WVFCP to providing advocacy and support to caregivers in negotiating the PCAFC benefits and guidelines.
Just as we did 11 years ago, QoLF is identifying and filling a gap in caregiver support.