Our Team


Jen Tullis

Deputy Director

Jennifer Tullis has a deep background in managing military family programs at both the battalion and regimental level, while working for the United States Marine Corps, in Warrior Care programs. She has a great deal of expertise dealing with DOD and VA benefits and has enjoyed assisting service members, veterans and military spouses in benevolent and case management roles. As a Recovery Care Coordinator and former caregiver, she assisted wounded, ill, and injured Marines and Sailors recover from their injuries and successfully transition to the private sector.Jennifer is a Gold Star Wife and has spent over a decade comforting those who have experienced a life-altering tragedy. Her loyalty and compassion for people is unsurpassed and she continues to support several benevolent organizations, who share her empathy toward people.She holds a degree in Early Childhood Development and is raising two daughters in the lovely state of Virginia. Jennifer enjoys the outdoors, hiking and kayaking. The family also enjoys their three Labrador retrievers.

No Greater Sacrifice

Andrea Sawyer

Advocacy Director

Andrea Sawyer has first-hand experience as a caregiver to a veteran with PTSD and TBI. Andrea and her husband experienced difficulty finding treatment and services for his injuries when her husband returned home from Iraq. They decided that while their family was recovering from the injuries inflicted by war that they would strive to make changes in the health and support systems to improve services and care for those families and warriors that came through the system after them. After her husband’s injuries, Andrea left her thirteen year teaching career to become a full-time caregiver to her husband and an advocate for other wounded warrior families. Using her history degree from Meredith College, and her teaching experience, Andrea has focused her efforts on educating the public and lawmakers on the struggles faced by caregivers, wounded warriors, and their families. Andrea has worked on caregiver legislation and as a national spokesperson for caregiver issues, She has testified before the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee about mental health gaps experienced by veterans within the VA. She had testimony accepted for the record by the House Veterans Affairs Committee surrounding improvements needed in mental health care. Andrea’s favorite part of working at the Quality of Life Foundation is being able to use her plethora of resources from her own struggles to help others. She enjoys being able to give help to others as a way of honoring those who helped her family when they most needed it.


John Roberts

Appeals Manager

John began his career in the U.S. Marine Corps, serving from 1983 to 1997. He received a medical discharge following a prolonged recovery from wounds received in a helicopter crash in the seas of Somalia at the beginning of Operation Restore Hope. John suffered third-degree burns over 80 percent of his body, resulting in the loss of use of his left leg. He also incurred loss of use in his right arm and lives with post-traumatic stress disorder. Following military service, John started a career devoted to his fellow wounded veterans. His first job was with Disabled American Veterans, working as a national service officer in the organization’s Houston, Texas, office. From there, he took on responsibilities as a veteran's service representative with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Working in Houston, John moved up the ranks to become a supervisor at the Houston VA regional office. During his first year, he was awarded the title of "Houston’s Disabled Federal Employee of the Year." Because of his ability to assist severely injured servicemen and women, he earned a six-month temporary assignment to Walter Reed Army Medical Center. On March 29, 2007 – exactly 15 years after the date of his injury, John left the VA to become the National Service Director at Wounded Warrior Project (WWP.) During his nearly 15 years with WWP John established their national service officer program, Project Odyssey, and peer support program. We are proud to welcome John to the team at Quality of Life Foundation. John continues to serve veterans and their caregivers in his role as an Advocacy Navigator.

From Our Community Nationwide

As a county veteran service officer, the Quality Of Life Foundation provides expertise in all areas of the VA caregiver program, offering education for our team, and providing support for the veteran families that we serve.  The QoLF team provides personalized education, support and advocacy that cannot be found anywhere else.

Veteran Service Officer

“Andrea's testimony... brought me to tears to hear those words said out loud, THANK YOU. What it means to me is beyond words that I can express.”

Caregiver of a Wounded Veteran

To have QoLF take the lead and connect us to the PCAFC Administrator DIRECTLY so we could share our concerns, experiences, solutions and to feel “heard.”  Many positive results came out of those meetings which would have not happened without the advocacy and leadership of QoLF.

Caregiver of a Wounded Veteran

"I’d love to have you involved with all my clients/families – but that’s being selfish. I appreciate what you do!"

VA Case Manager

The Quality of Life foundation has provided exceptional support to me...As a caregiver, knowing that I have someone supporting and advocating for me, makes it easier to provide support to my veteran.

Caregiver of a Wounded Veteran

 THANK YOU, QoLF, for continuing to be a part of improving the quality of life of so many of our severely wounded warriors and their families.

Caregiver of a Wounded Veteran

"The service that this organization provides has been invaluable to wounded warriors and their families."

Teaming Organization

"QoLF really goes the extra mile to help and I am very impressed with the organization."

Case Manager

"You guys are doing an excellent job and I am so grateful to be able to work with this foundation."

VA Case Manager

“I don’t know how, but you made things move and it seems all our prayers were answered in a single day.”

Caregiver of a Wounded Veteran

"I absolutely loved working with QoLF…anytime we had a problem You were able to make sure to find ways to help us out. We are now pretty well sustained without too many issues, thanks to the help we received."

Caregiver of a Wounded Veteran